Register your interest in Membership

Known around the world for the calibre of its membership…

If you are interested in joining NETWORKHER you are most likely already known as a leader in your field. You are a motivated woman, interested in connecting with your peers, empowering other women in their journeys to success in leadership and entrepreneurship.

Your application will need to be proposed and seconded by current standing members.

The Membership Committee meets once a month and applicants should receive notice approximately six weeks after submission.

For more information on the application process please contact the Membership Secretary:

NETWORKHER is a selective global organization for inspirational women from all industries who are ambitious, accomplished and committed to helping each other rise. It is a highly curated, cross-generational network of dynamic, connected, powerful women who’s influence spans countries, continents and industries like: media, business, culture, politics, academia and more, helping each other get what they need and where they need to go.

For 2016 – our group is limited to 50 places total, large enough to provide a valuable network for our members, but still manageable for everyone to get to know each other well, and provide opportunities for each of the members to connect one-on-one. 25 memberships are available in London and 25 in NYC.

NETWORKHER membership costs:

  • Joining Fees = £1,000 GBP or $1,500 USD
  • Annual Membership Dues = vary by year and current rates available upon request

Application & Approval Process

All members must complete a membership application, and be recommended for membership by 2 current members. The application then must be reviewed and approved by the Membership Committee, which meets once per month. Approved candidates are then provided 30 days in which to take up their membership.


    Connect with inspirational women. Build your network for inspiration and innovation. Contribute to helping other women as they pursue their dreams.

    Keep track of all events near you and see what events your friends are attending. You can easily reserve your spot at your favourite events occuring online and offline.

    Extremely secure, you are always the one who decides what you do with your data, you can completely delete your account at any point, without any restrictions.

    Thank you for your interest in joining NETWORKHER, we look forward to receiving your application. Please fill in the details below, and be sure to share the details for the 2 NETWORKHER members who are recommending you.

      Your Name (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Your LinkedIn URL (required)

      If you are not on LinkedIn please share a copy of your Resume or CV in .pdf format

      Please share your mobile number (required)

      Membership Type (UK or US)

      UK MembershipUS Membership

      Please share the name and contact details of the 2 current NetworkHer members who are recommending you

      Please share with us why you should be a member, and how you could contribute to the network, and be an active NETWORKHER?

      For security - we have a quick quiz, below:

      When your application is complete, please click the "send" button below

      By registering you are agreeing with the Terms and the Privacy Statement.


      We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


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